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Shipping and Returns

Effective 5/6/2024, all orders will be shipped USPS Ground Advantage (2-5 business days) or FedEx Ground (1-5 business days). Please note, the drop down menu during checkout currently still lists USPS Priority, but orders will be shipped USPS Ground Advantage. Most orders are shipped within 2-4 business days; unless a shipping delay is denoted upon check out. We will contact you if additional time is required to ship your order. The online shopping cart will provide you with the cost of shipping your order. If there is an additional charge associated with your order, we will contact you before we proceed.

Alaska and Hawaii customers: FedEx estimated shipping cost may not be accurately calculated. If there is an additional charge associated with your order, we will contact you before shipping commences. Alternatively, you may request to change to USPS.

On occasion we may need to use a shipping box from a carrier other than that of your choosing. Some items are only shipped using boxes specific to USPS or FedEx, and will be shipped in the appropriate box regardless of which carrier you request. Orders may be shipped in multiple (two or more) packages in an effort to minimize damage during shipping. Any order may be shipped in the number of packages that are most cost effective. Packages are shipped via the fastest delivery method available for the most cost effective price. Substitute product sizes may be made to more appropriately fit in the package(s) for shipping; for example: two 1 LB bags of malt may be used in place of one 2 LB bag of the same malt. 

A replacement or refund may be requested for any product(s) due to manufacture defects. Digital photos of any defects may be requested. Please contact us via the Contact Us page or email to explain the problem and receive instructions on whether and how to return the defective product(s). If a return is required, we will cover the return shipping costs for any defective product(s); or product(s)received in error.

We do not assume responsibility for packages that are damaged, lost or stolen enroute or upon delivery to the shipping address. It is recommended that packages are not shipped to any non-residence mail rooms or mail forwarding services.

No returns or exchanges.

Free Local Pickup

We offer free local pickup in the Rogue Valley. Most orders are available for pick-up within three business days. You will receive an email when your order is ready for local pickup during store hours. 

Gluten Free Home Brewing
Inside Sona CBD
In the Wagner Plaza
316 E Main St
Talent, Oregon 97540

International Shipping and Returns

Australian customers may shop at Two Bays Brewing Co.

European customers may use the International Shipping Order Form below until a new European outlet becomes available. 

US Military / Diplomat customers may use the online shopping cart to ship to an APO at US domestic rates.

Canadian customers that ship to a United States address may use the online shopping cart. If you do not have a United Stated address, we recommend using which is a package forwarding company based in tax-free Oregon. Review Services & Prices for further details about shipping to a United States address.

We offer international shipping via FedEx International Ground. If you prefer not to use a package forwarding company than you need to complete an International Shipping Order Form. An invoice will be emailed to you with your order summary and payment options. Any additional charges associated with your order will be included on the invoice. International orders may take up to two weeks to process.

Examples of estimated international shipping rates to Canada (rates vary significantly depending on distance to destination):

10 lbs……$25 - $45
15 lbs……$30 - $55
20 lbs……$35 - $65

NO replacements or refunds may be requested for any product(s) damaged during shipping or due to manufacture defects.

NO returns, all sales are final.

We do not assume responsibility for packages that are lost or stolen enroute or upon delivery to the shipping address. It is recommended that packages are not shipped to any non-residence addresses.

We are not responsible for any taxes, duties, tariffs or other fees that may be required by customs or other agencies.

Copyright © 2025 Gluten Free Home Brewing
Privacy Policy