Pumpkin Ale

Beer Style: Fruit and Vegetable, Herb and Spice
Recipe Type: extract
Yield: 5 gallons
Pumpkin spice beer made with all-spice, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg.
- Fermentables:
- 12.0 oz Flaked Quinoa, roasted (3.0 SRM) - steeped 20min @155F
- 6.6 lbs BriesSweet White Sorghum Syrup 45DE (3.0 SRM) - Boil 45 min
- 1 lbs D-45 Candi Syrup (60.0 SRM) - Boil 15 min
- 2.5 lbs Honey (1.0 SRM) - flameout
- Hops:
- 1.00 oz Simcoe [12.20 %] - Boil 60.0 min
- 0.50 oz Mt. Hood [6.10 %] - Boil 15.0 min
- 0.50 oz Mt. Hood [6.10 %] - Boil 10.0 min
- Spices:
- 1.00 tsp All-spice (Boil 10.0 mins)
- 1.00 tsp Ginger (Boil 10.0 mins)
- 1.00 tsp Cinnamon (Boil 10.0 mins)
- 1.00 tsp Nutmeg (Boil 10.0 mins)
- Yeast:
- 1.0 pkg Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05)
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 14 days at 68 degreesSecondary Ferment: 7 days at 68 degrees
Beer Profile
Original Gravity: 1.068Final Gravity: 1.014
Alcohol by Vol: 7.1%
Color SRM: 9.4
Bitterness IBU: 49.8
Recipe Type: extract
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
Steep roasted flaked quinoa prior to boil. Bring water to boil, add first hops addition. Add primary fermentable sugars, return to boil and add remaining hops and other ingredients according to schedule.
Chill wort until appropriate temperature to pitch yeast.