Quinoa Pale Ale

Beer Style: American Pale Ale, Classic English Pale Ale
Recipe Type: all-grain
Yield: 5 gallons
All grain Ale made from malted quinoa and rice syrup solids
- 6 lbs Malted Quinoa, roasted (mash/sparge)
- 2 lbs Malted Quinoa (mash/sparge)
- 0.25 lbs Rice Syrup Solids (mash/sparge)
- 2 oz Cluster Hops (60 min)
- 3 lbs Clove Honey (60 min)
- 4 oz Maltodextrin (60 min)
- 1.5 oz Sterling Hops (30 min)
- 1 oz Sterling Hops (15 min)
- 1 tsp Irish Moss (15 min)
- 1 pkg ale yeast
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 14 days at 68 degreesBeer Profile
Alcohol by Vol: 0.0%Color SRM: 0.0
Bitterness IBU: 0.0
Recipe Type: all-grain
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
Mashed quinoa with 3.5 gal of water with a strike of 150F, added amalyse enzymes and left it for 1 hour. Raised temp with 1 gal of water with a strike temp of 180F and left it for another hour.
Achieve hot break.
Add hops, finings and remaining fermentable sugars according to schedule.
Chill wort until appropriate temperature to pitch yeast.