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Philly Sour Ale

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Philly Sour Ale

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5 Star Rating  4.0 stars based on 4 votes

Beer Style: Lambic, Fruit and Vegetable, Specialty 
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5 gallons


I really thought I got away from my horrible note taking of my past. Using The Grainfather has forced me to "write" everything down because it all gets entered into my Grainfather account. I know that this recipe was a half batch that I brewed on the stove top and not The Grainfather. However, I also know that I would have used my Grainfather account if for nothing else to plan the hops schedule, and that would have forced me to save some version of the recipe in whatever incompleteness it may have been. Unfortunately I cannot find the recipe anywhere! Originally, this was intended to be a new beginner recipe kit. But as I have no idea how I brewed this recipe all I can do is share what little information I found...and leave you with the rating of three 5 stars and one 1 star. I was the one star...but my wife and two friends really enjoyed this recipe and gave it high marks. Admittedly I am not a fan of sour beers. But with that said, I did not find this beer to be a good representation of what I understand about sour beers. JP, if you are reading this....this is the type of stuff I do that drives you batty!


  • 6.6 LBS Sorghum Syrup
  • 8 OZ Biscuit 4L Rice Malt
  • 8 OZ Munich Millet Malt
  • 1 OZ Northern Brewer Hops
  • 1 OZ Fuggle Hops
  • 2.5 TSP Yeast Nutrient
  • 1 Whirlfloc Tablet
  • Lallemand Wildbrew Philly Sour Yeast
  • 4 OZ Cherry flavoring at bottling or kegging

Additional Instructions

Primary Ferment: 7 - 10 days
Secondary Ferment: 7 - 10 days

Beer Profile

Original Gravity: 1.041
Final Gravity: 1.007
Alcohol by Vol: 4.4%
Color SRM: 3.5
Bitterness IBU: 35.0
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
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Clean and sanitize your work area and equipment using a cleaner and sanitizer specifically for brewing.

Steep malt in for 30-45 minutes using 15-25 ml Termamyl in conjunction -WITH- 15-25 ml SEBAmyl L enzymes.

"Sparge" grain by removing and running water through grain bag to collect any....well anything you can from the malt!

I have no idea! As noted above I obviously had to calculate the hops schedule but have no idea what I did with that information. If you brew this and figure out a good hops schedule using the same amount of hops this recipe calls for....PLEASE SHARE YOUR RESULTS :)

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