Bad Dad IPA
Beer Style: India Pale Ale
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5 gallons
A hoppy, amber-colored IPA brewed with Buckwheat and Millet. Yields 5 gal at 5.4%ABV.
- 5 lbs pale millet
- 1 lb buckwheat
- 1 lb french roasted millet
- 1 lb munich millet
- 3.3 lbs sorghum syrup
- 1/2 lb coconut sugar
- 1/2 lb maltodextrin
- 1 oz citra hops
- 1 oz cascade hops
- 1/2 oz simcoe hops
- 1/2 oz horizon hops
- 1 teaspoon of SEBAmyl and SEBAmyl BAL 100
- 1 packet London ESP yeast
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 7 daysBeer Profile
Original Gravity: 1.07Final Gravity: 1.028
Alcohol by Vol: 5.4%
Color SRM: 0.0
Bitterness IBU: 0.0
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
Mash the grains in 16 quarts of water at 155 degrees for 15 min.
Increase temp to 185 degrees for 30 min.
Add 4 quarts of cold water and reduce temp to 145 degrees then add enzymes. Keep at 145 for 90 min.
Increase to 160 degrees for 30 min.
Sparge grains
Bring to rolling boil for 30 min.
After the 30 minutes of boil, add all sugars/syrups as well as 1/2 oz of cascade, horizon, and simcoe hops. Continue boil.
After 45 min of boil, add 1/2 oz of citra hops
After 70 min of boil, add another 1/2 oz of citra hops
After 85 min of boil, add 1/2 oz of cascade hops.
Total boil time will be 90 min. After 90 min, cool wort to 90 degrees as quickly as possible. Pitch yeast.
Primary fermentation for 7 days at 68 degrees. A typical basement temperature.
Then bottle (with priming sugars) and store at 68 degrees for 14 days.