IPA 1759

Beer Style: India Pale Ale
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5 gallons
You may buy the recipe kit for this recipe here: https://www.glutenfreehomebrewing.com/STOREProduct/881/IPA-1759--3-In-1-Booster-Kit.html
- 2 lb American roasted millet malt
- 2 lb Goldfinch millet malt
- 2 lb Roasted buckwheat malt
- 0.6 lb Rice hulls (not need if using optional Biscuit rice malt)
- 2 oz Citra hops
- 2 oz Amarillo hops
- 1 Whirlfloc tablet
- 1 pkg Mangrove Jack’s M44
- Optional (not included):
- 2 lb Biscuit rice malt
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 7 - 10 daysSecondary Ferment: 7 - 10 days
Beer Profile
Original Gravity: 1.057Final Gravity: 1.014
Alcohol by Vol: 5.6%
Color SRM: 8.9
Bitterness IBU: 51.0
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
Recipe kit includes step-by-step instructions!
See Step-By-Step Brewing Tutorial (included with kit)
2 lb American roasted millet malt
2 lb Goldfinch millet malt
2 lb Roasted buckwheat malt
0.6 lb Rice hulls
Termamyl or SEBAmyl BAL 100, and SEBAmyl L enzymes
Sparge grains by “batch” or “fly sparge” with 1 qt sparge water at a time.
6.6 lb Sorghum syrup 45DE (60 minutes) For Partial Mash Only
5 lb Sorghum syrup 45DE (60 minutes) For Partial Grain Only
0.75 oz Citra hops (60 minutes)
0.75 oz Amarillo hops (15 minutes)
1 Whirlfloc tablet (10 minutes)
2.5 tsp Yeast Nutrient (10 minutes) Optional / Recommended
0.75 oz Amarillo hops (0 minutes with 10 minute rest)
0.25 oz Citra hops (0 minutes with 10 minute rest)
Yeast: Mangrove Jack’s M44 U.S. West Coast Yeast
Dry hopping: 0.5 oz Amarillo hops (secondary)
1 oz Citra hops (secondary)