Amarillo IPA

Beer Style: American Pale Ale, India Pale Ale
Recipe Type: extract
Yield: 5 gallons
IPA made from amarillo hops
- 6.2 lbs / 2.8 Kg Sorghum Syrup (prior to boil)
- 14 oz / 400 g Raw Sugar (prior to boil)
- 4 oz Tapioca based maltodextrine (prior to boil)
- 0.5 oz / 15 g Amarillo Hops (60 min)
- 0.5 oz / 15 g Amarillo Hops (45 min)
- 0.5 oz / 15 g Amarillo Hops (15 min)
- 1 Whirlfloc Tablet (15 min)
- 1 oz / 30 g Amarillo Hops (flameout)
- 1 tsp yeast nutrient (flameout)
- 2 pkgs US-05 Yeast
- Brewing notes: Converted from metric - measurements rounded/estimated
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 14 days at 68 degreesBeer Profile
Alcohol by Vol: 0.0%Color SRM: 0.0
Bitterness IBU: 0.0
Recipe Type: extract
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
Bring water to boil, and primary fermentable sugars, return to boil and achieve hot break.
Add hops, finings and other ingredients according to schedule.
Chill wort until appropriate temperature to pitch yeast.