GF Westmalle Dubbel Clone

Beer Style: Dubbel
Recipe Type: all-grain
Yield: 5 gallons
The Westmalle Dubbel Trappist Ale is a beer I've always considered a classic example of what any Dubbel should aspire to achieve in terms of flavor and mouthfeel. In fact, the very first recipe I ever tried brewing was an extract version of the Westmalle Dubbel, back in my pre-GF brewing days. This recipe is adapted from what I learned from that first recipe and reviewing various barley clone recipes.
From the abbey at Malle in Northern Belgium, this classic dubbel has been brewed since 1926. Dark russet-brown with a head that is big, dense and tenacious. The aroma is quite malty with notes of chocolate, molasses and dates. Yeast character is fairly subdued. The mouthfeel is slick and full, leading into to a sweet malty/caramel flavor infused with chocolate and dark, dried fruit. There is also a distinct herbal hop character. Westmalle uses only whole hops and adds dark sugar syrup. Westmalle dubbel finishes somewhat dry, earthy and incredibly smooth.
From extensive research, I've found the same yeast (available in dry form), hops and sugars. It is my hope that a close replica of the Westmalle Dubbel can be created. I have not brewed this recipe yet, but hope to provide it as an starting point for future refinement in the GFHB community. I've tended toward using more rice than millet out of an attempt to ensure the beer is sufficiently dry and to equate the flavor profile of Belgian pilsner malt.
- Water treatments
- 1.62 g Calcium Chloride (Mash 120 min)
- 1.14 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 120 min)
- Grains
- 1 lbs Rice Hulls (0.0 SRM)
- 6 lbs 8 oz Pale Rice Malt (1.1 SRM)
- 3 lbs Vienna Millet Malt (12.0 SRM)
- 2 lbs Organic Pale Buckwheat (2.0 SRM)
- 1 lbs Roasted Cara Millet Malt (42.0 SRM)
- 8.00 oz Chocolate Roasted Millet Malt (140.0 SRM)
- Enzymes
- 5.00 ml SEBstar HTL (Mash 120 min)
- 5.00 ml SEBflo TL (Mash 60 min)
- 4.00 ml AMG-300L (Mash 60 min)
- Boil additions
- 1.00 oz Saaz [3.8%] - Boil 60 min
- 1.00 oz Styrian Goldings [5.4%] - Boil 20 min
- 1.00 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15 min)
- 2 lbs Candi Syrup, D-90 [Boil for 5 min] (90.0 SRM)
- Yeast
- 1 pkgs Belgian Abbey (Mangrove Jack's #M47)
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 14Secondary Ferment: 14
Beer Profile
Original Gravity: 1.066Final Gravity: 1.012
Alcohol by Vol: 7.0%
Color SRM: 27.0
Bitterness IBU: 27.0
Recipe Type: all-grain
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
Mash in at 175 deg F adding 17.5 quarts of 191 deg water, add HTL enzyme, and hold for 60 minutes
Add 10 quarts of chilled to 56 deg F, SEBflo TL & AMG-300L, and hold for 60 minutes
Recirculate and sparge to collect 6.5 gallons of wort
Boil for 90 minutes, adding hop and sugar additions per ingredient timing
After boil, chill to less than 70 deg F
Pitch yeast, aerate for 60 seconds
Ferment around 70 deg F for 14 days until gravity has stabilized around 1.012 or less
Transfer to secondary for additional conditioning
Recommend bottle conditioning at 3.0 volumes adding 5.84 oz of corn sugar
Bottle condition for 3 months