Pumpkin Beer

Beer Style: Munchner-Style Helles, Fruit and Vegetable, Herb and Spice
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 6 gallons
Pumpkin beer made with malted millet and buckwheat.
- 4 lbs Malted Buckwheat, cracked (mash/sparge 1-2 hours @ 125-150 degrees)
- 4 lbs Malted Millet, cracked (mash/sparge 1-2 hours @ 125-150 degrees)
- 1 lb GF Oats (mash/sparge 1-2 hours @ 125-150 degrees)
- 2 tbs Amylase Enzyme (included in mash)
- 5 lbs Sorghum Syrup (90 min)
- 5-6 lbs Roasted Pumpkin (90 min) - Roast pumpkin at 350 degrees until soft and edges brown
- 1 oz Amarillo Hops (70 min)
- 1 oz Willamette Hops (50 min)
- 1 tsp Cinnamon; 3/8 tsp Nutmeg; 1/8 tsp Mace; 7 g Sweet Orange Peel (50 min)
- 1 cup Honey (15 min)
- 0.25 oz Amarillo Hops (10 min)
- 1 tsp Irish Moss (10 min)
- 1 tsp Yeast Nutrient (10 min)
- 1 pkg Wyeast 2206GF Bavarian Lager Yeast - May use Wyeast 1272GF American Ale II Yeast
- Secondary:
- 1 cup GF Whiskey soaked shredded Oak - Start soaking shredded Oak on brewing day or sooner
Additional Instructions
Primary Ferment: 21 days at 68 degreesSecondary Ferment: 30 days at 53 degrees
Beer Profile
Alcohol by Vol: 0.0%Color SRM: 0.0
Bitterness IBU: 0.0
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 6.0 Gallons
Mash malted grains and oats for 1 - 2 hours prior to boil.
Bring wort to boil, and primary fermentable sugars, return to boil and achieve hot break.
Add hops, finings remaining fermentable sugars and other ingredients according to schedule.
Chill wort until appropriate temperature to pitch yeast.