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GBB American Pale Ale

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GBB American Pale Ale

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Not Rated (not yet rated) 

Beer Style: American Pale Ale 
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5 gallons


"Ground Breaker is growing, but the demand for 100% gluten-free craft beer is growing faster. We continue in our efforts to bring award-winning gluten-free craft beers to all 50 states, but in the meantime we wanted to create something that could be shared with gluten-free craft beer lovers everywhere. This gluten-free homebrew recipe is the culmination of that effort." Source:


  • 7 LBS Sorghum Syrup
  • 1.5 LBS Red Split Lentils
  • 1.125 LBS Buckwheat Malt
  • 11 OZ Cane Sugar
  • 4 OZ Cascade Hops
  • 1 Tablet Whirlfloc
  • 1 Packet Safale S-05 Yeast

Additional Instructions

Primary Ferment: 7 days
Secondary Ferment: 7 days

Beer Profile

Original Gravity: 1.053
Final Gravity: 1.013
Alcohol by Vol: 5.4%
Color SRM: 4.6
Bitterness IBU: 27.8
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5.0 Gallons
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1. Toast red split lentils at 375 in a shallow baking pan. Stir every few minutes. While roasting the lentils, they start out tasting and smelling like "raw" green
beans. You want to make sure that all of that raw character is gone from the smell and taste of the lentils. They are done when they smell nutty and are
crunchy. It usually takes about 20-25 minutes.
2. Add 6.250 gal water to the kettle, bringing pre-boil volume to 6.250 gal. 2. Put the lentils and kashi in a bag and hang in the kettle.
3. Steep the 1.125 lb Kashi (Buckwheat) and 1.500 lb Red Split Lentils in the kettle until the wort reaches 160F.
4. Once the wort reaches 165F turn the flame off to prevent burning, then stir in the 11oz. of cane sugar and 7lb Briess LME - White Sorghum Syrup.
5. Bring the wort to a boil and hold for 1.000 hr.
6. Put 0.500 oz Cascade into boil for 1.000 hr.
7. Put 0.500 oz Cascade into boil for 30.000 min.
8. Put 1.000 oz Cascade into boil for 15.000 min.
9. Put 2.000 tsp Whirlfloc into boil for 15.000 min.
10. Stop boiling the wort.
11. Once wort reaches 185F, put 1.000 oz Cascade into wort.
12. You should have 5.500 gal wort post-boil. The final volume in the primary is 5.500 gal.
13. Cool wort and pitch Safale S-05 Ale yeast, to the primary fermenter.
14. Let ferment for 7 days.
15. Put 1.000 oz Cascade into fermenter for 24 hrs.
16. Place fermenter in a cool dark place. A refrigerator is ideal, but a cellar or or basement will work as well.
17. Transfer beer to secondary and let sit for 24 hours
18. Transfer to a corny keg.

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