Motueka Pellet Hops - 1 oz

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Motueka Pellet Hops - 1 oz
Also referred to as B Saaz hops, this Saazer descendent is mostly used for its bold aroma of of lemon, lime and tropical fruits. A fantastic addition to Lagers, Belgian and English Ales, Motueka is also a great way to spice-up your favorite IPA recipe.
Hop Statistics:
Alpha Acids: 6.5 – 8.5%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 5.5%
Alpha-Beta Ratio: 1.18 - 1.7
Cohumulone: (% of alpha acids): ~29%
Total Oils in mls per 100 grams dried: ~0.8
Storage(% alpha acids remaining after 6 months storage at 68° F): NA
Similar Hop Varieties: Saaz, Sterling
Sold in 1 oz babgs.
Ship Weight: 0.03 Pounds
Ship Weight: 0.03 Pounds
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